

篇名 马叙伦与五四运动后浙江教育界的派系之争
並列篇名 Ma Xunlun and the Conflicts among Different Groups of Zhejiang Education Circles after May Fourth Movement
作者 林辉锋
中文摘要 民国时期,浙江籍学者在全国教育界发辉重要影响的同时,也十分关注浙江省内教育事业的发展。五四运动后浙江教育界的不少领袖人物均曾长期在北京活动过,他们返回浙江后,与以省教育会为中心的本地教育界人士有过不少冲突,而且他们内部的关系也错综复杂马叙伦是其中的重要代表人物,五四后曾回浙江出任浙江第一师范学校校长、教育厅长等职,他的经历为探讨这些微妙的关系提供了一个很好的切入点。
英文摘要 Intellectuals from Zhejiang province took a very important role in the education circles over the country and they too great concerns about the education development within the province in the period of the Republic of China. A good few who had been even living in Beijing since May Fourth Movement conflicted with local people from Zhejiang Education Association after returning. Ma Xunlun was an important representative, who had ever been the headmaster of Zhejiang No. 1 Normal School and the Ministry of Zhejiang Education. His experience provides a very good case to discuss these complicated relationships.
頁次 73-84
關鍵詞 马叙伦 浙江教育界 派系之争 CSSCI
卷期 6:3
日期 200807
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學