

篇名 The Conceptualization of Cognitive Style
並列篇名 認知式態的概念與理論
作者 林生傳
中文摘要 本文在對認知式態作一綜合性的、批判性的整理與探討。先就其定義、特性、層面、與測量勾劃認知式態的概念,然後分別逐一介紹並探討認知式態的四種不同理論,包括心理分化理論,多因理論,心智執行功能論,與訊息處理論等,再予以評述與統整,並加總結。本篇論文澄清認知式態的概念並建立其理論將可供建立教育理論與設計實施的參考。
英文摘要 This paper attempted to examine systematically, analytically, and synthetically cognitive style in general, and field dependence vs. field independence in specific. It includes two parts.    The first part examined its conceptual definition, its operational definition, its characteristics, and its categories and dimensions. The second part examined four theories of cognitive style--- Witkin’s differentiation theory; Wardell & Royce’s multi-factor theory; Guilford’s intellectual executive function theory; and Davis & Cochran’s information processing theory. They were discussed, criticized, and synthesized.    It can be predicted that this cognitive style as a new construct in psychology affects student learning, teacher teaching, and techer-student interaction.
頁次 322-350
卷期 7
日期 198703
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系