

篇名 費德勒權變領導理論適用性之研究
作者 陳慶瑞
中文摘要 本研究之目的,乃在於探討費德勒權變領導理在我國國民小學的適用性。權變領導理論認為領導效能乃是領導型式和情境有利度交互作用的結果。工作導向的領導者在非常有利非常不利的情境下較具效能;而人際關係導向的領導者在中度有利情境下效能較佳。本研究的領導型式係依「最不受歡迎同事量表」(LPC)分數而區分。情境有利度則由領導者與部屬之關係、工作結構及職權三者所組成。領效能則包含生產力、教師工作滿足感、適應力和彈性四種效能指標。    本研究之主要發現為:    1.內效(含生產力及教師工作滿足感)及總效方面:在非常有利及非常不利情境下,領導型式與效能呈現負相關(工作導向),但在中度有利情境下,則為正相關(人隨關係導向)。    2.外效(含適應力和彈性)方面:在非常有利情境下,領導型式與效能呈現負相關,在中度有利情境下為正相關,但在非常不利的情境下,則缺乏一致性而有混淆現象。
英文摘要 This paper was to explore the application of the Fiedler’s contingency theory of leadership in elementary school. According toe the theory, leader effectiveness relied upon the interaction between leadership style and situational favorableness. Specifically, task- motivated leaders were more effective in the very favorable and very unfavorable situations, while relation-motivated leaders were more effective in the intermediate favorable situation. Leadership style was measured by the Least Preferred co-worker scale (LPC). Situational favorableness was based on leader-member relations, task structure, and position power. Leader effectiveness was defined as productivity, teacher satisfaction, adaptability, and flexibility.    The major findings of this study was as following:    1. The internal effectiveness (involve productivity and teacher satisfaction) and total effectiveness: a negative correlation was found between leadership style and effectiveness under the very favorable and very unfavorable situation; however, a positive correlation was confirmed in the intermediate favorable situation.    2. The external effectiveness (involve adaptability and flexibility): a negative correlation was existed between leadership style and effectiveness in the very favorable situation, and a positive correlation was existed to the intermediate favorable situation, but confusion of correlation was discovered in the very unfavorable situation.
頁次 107-158
卷期 8
日期 198906
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系