

篇名 日本之教科書審定問題
並列篇名 The Textbook Review Cases in Japan
作者 蘇俊斌(Su, Chun-pin)
中文摘要 二次大戰後,1947年的因本憲法保障著基本人權為恆久且不可侵犯的權利。而21條正是影響表現自由的最基本條款。「集會與結社的自由,就如同言論、新聞及其他表現自由般,是受著保障。而且檢查制度是不許維持的……。」但是另一方面,大學以前所使用的教科書,在出版以前必須由文部省加以審核。而特別是歷史科的內容往往被要求配合政府的觀點或政策。而這不只在日本國內,並且在不少亞洲國家都引起了爭論。家永三郎,一位日本著名的歷史學家,控告日植文部省意圖條改了他的高中歷史教科書。在法庭上,家永教授控告文部省的教科書審定制是不法地侵犯其思想、表現、學術自由,也干涉到學童的受教權。而法院也從1970年代以來,作了不少判決,本文便是試著以法的觀點以介紹並分析此一問題。
英文摘要 After the Second World War, the 1947 Japanese Constitution guaranteed the fundamental human rights as eternal and inviolated rights. The Article 21 is the primary provision affecting freedom of expression: “freedom of assembly and association as well as speech, press and all other forms of expression are guaranteed. No censorship shall be maintained……”. But on the other hand, the textbooks for precollege students shall be reviewed by the Education Ministry before they are published. In particular the content of the history textbooks have to be in accord with the government’s viewpoint and policy. This arouses much controversy not only in Japan but also in many Arian Countries.Ienaga Saburo, a distinguished historian, sued the Education Ministry for tampering with the content of his high school history text. In court, Professor lenaga challenged the ministry’s textbook review system as unconstitutional interference with his freedom of thought and expression and his academic freedom, as well as with a child’s right to education. The courts made many decisions since 1970. This paper is intended to introduce and analyze this issue from the viewpoint of law.
頁次 137-147
關鍵詞 日本 法院 教育 教科書 檢查 Censorship Court Education Japan Textbook TSSCI
卷期 5:2
日期 200208
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所