

篇名 全球医学教育和卫生人力的现状和趋势
並列篇名 The Current Status and Trend of Global Medical Education and Health Manpower
作者 阳华 编译
中文摘要 本文利用从各种出版物、电子出版物及各种医疗机构获取的数据,加上通过随机分层抽样调查130所医学院获得的数据,描述了世界医学院的分布及毕业生人数,比较了不同地区的医生人口比,分析了人口趋势。结果表明,不同地区的医手院数和毕业生人口比各不相同,医生培养和人口变化趋势不相匹配。经济全球化的趋势、人人享有卫生保健的共同目标以及医生的跨国流动使国与国人之间的依赖性日益明显,因此要求从全球角度考虑如何培养下一代医生的问题。
英文摘要 This paper has used multiple data sources in published and electronic form from organized medicine, international health institutions and the medical literature. In addition, a stratified, random survey of 130 medical schools was conducted to determine annual numbers of graduates, the number of medical schools and the estimated the ratio of graduates to population. The productions of physicians don’t meet the trend of population change. The growing interdependence of nations, accentuated by globalization of the world’s economics, our shared goal of achieving health for all and the migration of physicians across borders highlight the need to understand the global capacity to educate the next generation of physicians.
頁次 83-87
關鍵詞 医学教育 卫生人力 人口趋势 medical education health manpower population trend CSSCI
卷期 1:2
日期 200303
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學