

篇名 风险条件人下的个人选择与大学生就业
並列篇名 Individual Choice and Graduate Employment under the Circumstance of Risk
作者 孟大虎
中文摘要 人力资本投资是在风险和不确定环境中完成的,由于转轨经济中分割的二元劳动之市场的存在,大学毕业生将首先考虑在主要劳动力市场就业的风险机率有多大,他们将沿着地域 ─ 行业 ─ 单位路径进行工作搜寻。如果在主要劳动力市场和次要劳动力市场就业的差异程度依然很大,那么很多大学生宁可把采取自愿性失业行为也不愿进入次要劳动市场,可以预期就业的大程市倾向东部沿海倾向仍将在很长一段时间内继续。
英文摘要 This paper address that human capital investment is fulfilled under the circumstance of risk and uncertainty in the stage of economy ─ system transition today. When the graduates face up with employment issue, they would care about the risk of employment in primary labor markets, so they would search job with the path of location ─ industry ─firm. Therefore, they would show a strong favor for big cities and east location if income inequality is still between primary and secondary labor markets.
頁次 70-73
關鍵詞 人力资本 大学生就业 劳动力市场分割 Human capital graduate employment segmented labor markets CSSCI
卷期 3:1
日期 200501
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學