

篇名 美国加州1960年高等教育总体规划:一个成功范例
並列篇名 The 1960 Californian Master Plan fro Higher Education:A Successful Case for Higher Education Planning
作者 刘小强
中文摘要 美国加利福尼亚州1960年高等教育总体规划在高等教育史上示范性地解决了高教系统在大众化时期所面临的规模与结构、竞争与合作、效率与公平、管制与自治等一系列问题,这对于今天已进入大众化时期并已出现许多类似问题的我国高等教育来说具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。本文回顾了这次规划的时代背景、过程、规划内容和贡献,总结了此次规划对我国当前高等教育发展的重要启示。
英文摘要 The 1960 California Master Plan for Higher Education is widely regarded as an exemplary solution to many challenges faced by a mass higher education system, such as scale and structure, competition and collaboration, efficiency and equality, and control and autonomy. The California idea thus provides important lessons and experience to Chinese higher education which was recently transited to a mass system and has experienced similar development challenges. This article reviews the background, developing process, content and achievement of the Californian Master Plan, and concludes with recommendations for China.
頁次 95-102
關鍵詞 1960 Master Plan for Higher Education in California 高等教育 加州 总体规划 CSSCI
卷期 27:2
日期 200604
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學