

篇名 和諧教育:全球化時代的教育新理念
並列篇名 Harmonious Education: A New Educational Notion in the Globalization Era
作者 項賢明
中文摘要 在全球化时代,文明的冲突正日益成为威胁人类和平的重要因素,全球共治成为人类解决共同面对的一系列问题的必要途径,世界意识的形成及其同民族意识之间的矛盾需要我们尽快找到走出困境的新思维。“和谐世界”与“和谐教育”是中国人在时代发展的关键时期向全人类提出的新理念。通过和谐教育,促进人类世界意识和民族意识的协调发展,提高所有人参与国家治理和全球共治的意识和能力,推动全球化进程向良性方向发展,引导人们共同建构一个承认差异、多元互补、和谐共生的世界,这是中国人为人类教育和社会发展贡献的重要新思维之一。
英文摘要 In the globalization era, the clash of civilizations increasingly becomes an important factor minatory to the world peace, and global governance plays a unique role in resolving worldwide common issues faced by human beings. The shaping of world consciousness, which was in conflict with the national consciousness, pushes us to find new approaches to a better world. "Harmonious world" and a related idea of "harmonious education" are new notions put forward by Chinese at the crucial phase of globalization. The harmonious education may facilitate the coordinated development of national consciousness and world consciousness. It will also enable peoples to participate in state government and in global governance, and pilot the globalization process towards a multiplex, symbiotic and harmonious world. It will be a great contribution to the human development and education from Chinese.
頁次 10-15
關鍵詞 globalization of education harmonious world harmonious education 教育全球化 和諧世界 和諧教育 CSSCI
卷期 30:4
日期 200804
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所