

篇名 高等教育、国际化与民族国家
並列篇名 Higher Education, Internationalisation, and the Nation─State
作者 于尔根.安德斯 、陈洪捷 、吕春红
中文摘要 在20世纪年代,国际化在高等教育政策讨论和研究领域都成为核心议题。与此相伴随的是欧洲高等教育的非国家化政策的出现,高等教育机构自身责任感的增强,管理主义的日益流行。关于高等教育在国际化与民族国家方面的作用历来有争议,本文通过比较欧洲大陆和盎格鲁─撒克逊国家的做法对高等教育的这一作用进行了探讨。国际化是对欧洲和德国高等教育的一种挑战,本文在评价其所带来的不同影响的同时,分析了欧盟和波伦尼亚进程的作用,以及德国高等教育国际化改革的原始推动作用。对复杂和充满活力的多层次欧洲高等教育国际化体系的进一步考察表明,它不仅使不断增加的跨国界活动日趋多样化,而且更为重要的是发生了实质性的变化,即出现了系统性的国际化政策,全球化高等教育市场的国际间合作和竞争意识也不断增强。
英文摘要 “Internationalisation”    became a key theme in the 1990’s, both in higher education policy debates and in research on higher education, a growing responsibility of individual institutions of higher education and an increasing popularity of managerialism. This paper addresses the traditional controversial role of higher education as regards internationalization and the nation—states, comparing the mainland European and the Anglo—Saxon approach. Assessing the different impacts of internationalization as a challenge to European and German higher education, it analyses he role of the European Union and the Bologa process, as well as the ice—breaker function of internationalization for higher education reform in Germany. A closer look at the complex and dynamic multi—level set—up of internationalization in European higher education reveals that it not only means varying border—crossing activities that are on the rise, but rather substantial changes towards systematic policies and a growing awareness of international cooperation and competition in a globalizing higher education market.
頁次 39-47
關鍵詞 高等教育 globalization internationalisation higher education 全球化 国际化 CSSCI
卷期 1:3
日期 200307
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學