

篇名 论教育改革方案的可接受性与可行性:公共选择的观点
並列篇名 On Acceptability and Feasibility of Education Reform Plan: A View of the Public Choice
作者 马健生
中文摘要 教育改革已成共识,但是,困难在于人们如何选择和实施什么样的方案。本文从公共选择理论出发,认为教育改革的方案设计不仅必须反映现代教育理念、理论,作为一种现实政策,还必须充分考虑利益调整与冲突所带来的方案可接受性问题,以及方案实施所需要的条件是否充分的可行性问题。只有经受住了可接受性与可行性的拷问,一项教育改革方案才会有生命力,才有可能取得成功。
英文摘要 Once consensus about the necessity of reform is achieved, challenges arise from the identification of operational designs of reform from alternative options. It is argued in this paper that from the public choice perspective, the design of educational reform should not only embody modern educational visions and theories, but must take into account of the acceptability and feasibility factor, which results from conflicting interests and social consequences of changing the status quo. Success is possible only for an education reform plan that sustains such challenges.
頁次 108-111
關鍵詞 教育改革 feasibility acceptability education reform 可行性 可接受性 CSSCI
卷期 2:4
日期 200410
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學