

篇名 为科举制平反不等于否定废科举
並列篇名 Rehabilitation of the Imperial Examination Is Not to Deny its Abolishment
作者 刘海峰
中文摘要 提出为科举制平反的人士和观点大体可以分为三类。第一类不仅否定废科举,而且主张恢复科举制度;第二类是对废科举提出质疑,认为废科举是因噎废食,但并未提出恢复科举制度;第三类是不否定废科举但充分肯定科举制。本文认为科举制该平反,废科举则是历史的必然。重新认识科举制,不等于否定废科举,更不是主张在当代恢复科举制,而是要还科举制的本来面目,还其在中国历史上应有的地位。科举制在清末被时代和历史潮流所否定,并不意着这一制度应该永远被否定。科举制尽管有许多局限和弊端,但仍不失为中国的一大发明。
英文摘要 There are basically three viewpoints on rehabilitation of the Imperial Examination, the first is denying the abolishment of the examination and advocating its resume;the second is querying on its abolishment, but not suggesting to resume it;the third is not denying its abolishment, but quite approving its positive function. We think the Imperial Examination should be rehabilitated, though the abolishment also has its historical necessity. The recognition is just to recover its original face and historic status. The discard in late Qing dynasty doesn’t mean the examination should be denied forever. Though it has lots of limitations and abuses, it is still a great contribution of China.
頁次 60-72
關鍵詞 科举制 考试 书院 CSSCI
卷期 6:3
日期 200807
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學