

篇名 國中教師領導型態與學生疏離感之關係
作者 黃文三
中文摘要 教師扮演著輔導、引導、協調的角色,促使個體與團體的活動能達成學校的目標。他必須是一位好的領導者,依照強生和班尼的分析,教師的領導具有助長和維持的功能。再者,教學不能太重視學生的智性行為而忽視學生的疏離感。因此,本研究的目標是去驗證國中教師的領導型態和學生疏離感的關係。    本研究的主要發現如下:    1.不同教師領導型態其學生疏離感有明顯的差異。    本研究的建議如下:    1.教師應建立合宜的情境和師生關係。    2.在教學的過程和行政體系下,善用有效的領導。
英文摘要 The teacher is the person assigned to the task of guiding, directing and coordinating both individual and group activities so as to meet the goals of the school. A teacher who is a good leader as well as a good instructor must be able to perform certain leadership behaviors. The two major functions of classroom leadership, then, are facilitation and maintenance. Johnson and Bany have analyzed and classified these functions so as to place them in an operational framework. Further-more, the teacher should not put too much emphasis on the students’ cognitive behavior to the extend that the alienation of students is ignored. The purpose of this study was to examine the junior high school teacher’s leadership and its relationship to the student’s alienation.    The main finding of this study was:    Student’s alienation significantly reflects the different types of teachers’ leadership.    The suggestions made in this study are:    1. The teacher should work out a satisfactory environment for the students and establish a good teacher-student interpersonal relationship.    2. Effective leadership should be encouraged within the administration system and teaching process.    3. The teacher should take care and reduce the student’s alienaton.
頁次 159-202
卷期 8
日期 198906
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系