

篇名 现代大学的人文关怀与本科教育的职业取向--由庙堂、象牙塔到普通人的家园
並列篇名 The Humanistic Concern and Career-Oriented Undergraduate Education at Postmodern Universities
作者 阎光才
中文摘要 现代大学以不再是少数人独享的禁,而必须面向普通大众,关注普通人的职业人生。倡导大学的职业取向,不仅是大学无可回避的选择,而且也体现了它在西的时代基本的人文关怀精神。因此,以职业取向来重塑后现代时代大学的办学理念、改革现代大学本科专业教育制度乃至课程结构,或许是大学走出自20世纪80年代以来一直无法摆脱的生存困境,并获得新的生命力的唯一有效途径。
英文摘要 From beginning to end, the university provided service for training person with ability pursuing special vocation in nature. Only because of its glorious status, it became a place where the common people could not get involved. Now, with the university being open to more and more everyman generally, it must change its traditional role, and develop its career-oriented undergraduate education to acclimatize itself to transformation of situation in postmodern society.
頁次 57-61
關鍵詞 大学 本科教育 职业取向 University undergraduate education career-oriented CSSCI
卷期 1:5
日期 200309
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學