

篇名 试论日本大学教师任期制
並列篇名 A Probe on Tenure System in Universities in Japan
作者 吴光辉 、赵叶珠
中文摘要 自1997年8越日本大学教师任期制正式生效以来的5年间,以推动人员流动、促进科学研究、提高组织运营活性化为目的任期取得了长足的发展,但是,这一制度的出台也给日本大学的人事改革带来了”震荡性”的影响。本文论述了日本大学教师任期制的性质、特点、实施情况及影响,以期对中国大学如今进行的人事制度改革提供一定的经验借凿。
英文摘要 Five years have passed since Aug. 1997 WHEN Tenure System began officially in force in Japan. And the tenure system has made a great progress in promoting staff’s mobility, intensifying scientific research, and encouraging organization’s flexibility. But the system also brought a “shock” effect on the personnel reform of the universities in Japan. This paper has analyzed the quality, character of the system, and also the state and effect of implement of the system, which may be a reference for the personnel reform in Chinese universities today.
頁次 15-18
關鍵詞 日本 大学 教师任期制 Universities Japan tenure system CSSCI
卷期 2:6
日期 200411
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學