

篇名 模擬仿真實驗在理工科教學中的應用
並列篇名 The Application of Simulation Experiments in the Teaching of Science and Technology
作者 趙燕玉
中文摘要 理工科课程实验教学是远程教育中的难题。本文介绍了Electronics Workbench EDA 软件在《计算器电路基础》课程教学中的应用,以及MATLAB软件在《信号处理原理》和《机电控制工程基础》等课程中的应用。
英文摘要 Experimental teaching of science and engineering course is a difficult problem in the open and distance education. This paper describes the application of the Electronics Workbench EDA software in the teaching of basic course for the computer electric circuit, as well as the MATLAB software application in the teaching of signal processing theory and electromechanical control engineering.
頁次 93-96
關鍵詞 software experimental teaching MATLAB EDA simulation 軟件 實驗教學 模擬仿真 CSSCI
卷期 13:7
日期 200706
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學