

篇名 美國鳳凰城大學的學習支持及質量管理探究
並列篇名 Learning Support services and Quality Management System of University of Phoenix
作者 蔣成鳳 、羅立紅 、蔣善民 、肖亦平
中文摘要 本文简要介绍了美国凤凰城大学以成人在职学习者为中心的数学模式、在线学习流程以及跟踪全程的学习支持服务,并详细介绍了凤凰城大学久负盛名的学习评估和质量保证系统,这些对中国远程教育发展有一定的启示作用。
英文摘要 University of Phoenix is famous for acquiring a great deal of success in working adult learners which due to the strong learning support service system and the quality management system. This paper analyses the teaching/learning model for working adult, online program and supporting E-learning at the University of Phoenix, along with the institutional and outcomes assessment tools: ALOA and AOMS. We hope that all of these will do good to web-based distance education in China.
頁次 100-104
關鍵詞 AQMS(academic quality management system) ALOA(Adult Learning Outcomes Assessment) learning support services university of Phoenix 學習質量管理系統 成人學習評估系統 學習支持服務 鳳凰城大學 CSSCI
卷期 13:2
日期 200704
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學