

篇名 清華大學新時期的體育理念與實踐
並列篇名 Thoughts and Practices of Physical Education of Tsinghua University in the New
作者 吳劍平 、劉強
中文摘要 清华大学在长期办学实践中形成了丰富的体育理念与实践经验。着眼新世纪新形势新情况,清华大学从实际出发创造性地提出了”育人至上,人格与体魄并重”的体育观。这一体育观反映了高等学校的根本属性,符合科学发展观和党的教育方针,并在清华大学通过体育课程、课外群众性体育活动、学生运动员培养、体育学科建设、体育硬件建设、体育文化建设等方面的制度和方法创新得以充分体现。清华大学新时期的体育理念和实践对于我国高校体育工作深入贯彻落实科学发展观具有积极的借凿意义。
英文摘要 Tsinghua University has developed a rich system of thoughts and practices concerning physical education. In view of the realities of the new century, Tsinghua has put forward a new idea of physical education, that is, “cultivate the people as the up most mission, and value both personality and physique” This idea reflects the fundamental characteristics of higher education in accordance with the idea of scientific concept of development and educational guidelines of the Chinese Communist Party. It is carried out through institutional and methodological development and innovation of curriculum, academic discipline, infrastructure and culture of physics education, extracurricular mass sports activities, and training of student athletics. Tsinghua’s thoughts and practices concerning physical education in this new age provide a good example for the implementation of scientific concept of development in physical education in Chinese higher education institutions.
頁次 104-109
關鍵詞 education innovation scientific concept of development idea of physical education Tsinghua University 教育創新 科學發展 體育觀 清華大學 CSSCI
卷期 29:2
日期 200804
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學