

篇名 技專校院校務標竿管理指標與程序及權重體系建構之研究
並列篇名 A Study on the Construction of Benchmarking Indicators, Process and Weights System for Technical Universities and Colleges
作者 鄭彩鳳 、吳慧君
中文摘要 本研究之主要目的在瞭解標竿管理的理論內涵;分析國內外標竿管理在企業界與教育界之應用情形;整合標竿管理之理論與應用,研擬標竿管理應用在技專校院校務管理之核心要素草案,進而透過統計分析建構技專校院校務標竿管理之指標與程序,以提供技專校院運用。為了達成以上目的,本研究由文獻分析建構指標與程序草案,採二次德懷術調查問卷及相對權重問卷,透過階層程序分析法建構技專校院校務標竿理論之指標與程序暨權重體系。本研究之主要結論為:一、標竿管理主要核心要素包含「支援功能」、「工作流程」與「組織績效」三大領域。二、標竿管理應包括指標內涵及實施程序等輸入、過程與結果之架構。三、在本研究所建構的校務標竿管理之三大領域中,以「組織績效」最具適切性;12項層面中,適切性最高者為「教育滿意度」;39個指標中,適切性最高者為「執行行動計劃」。四、本研究所建構技專校院校務指標內容權重體系中以「組織績效」最為重要,佔58%;12項層面內容權重,以「學習表現」最具重要性權重為24.36%;39個指標內容權重,以「畢業生完整技術水準」最具重要性權重為8.53%。
英文摘要 The main purposes of this study are first to realize the theory of benchmarking and its concept used in the education; secondly, to analyse operational process and policies of benchmarking and its application used in the areas of enterprise and education; thirdly, to draft benchmarking core factors for technical universities and colleges by intergrading the theory and application of benchmarking, and then to construct benchmarking indicators and process applied in technical universities and colleges with statistic analysis. To accomplish the goal of this study, literature review and the execution of surveys of Delphi, relative weights, and analystic hierarchy process are conducted to construct benchmarking indictors and process. The conclusions of this are listed as follows: 1. Three domains include supportive function, work procedure, and organizational performance.2. Benchmarking should possess the frameworks of indicators and implement of procedure, and input, process and outcome are contained as well.3. Organizational performance is the most proper domain in the constructed benchmarking for universities and colleges. Among twelve dimensions, the sixths of the most proper ones include educational    satisfaction, human resource, implementation, plan, academic performance, and research development. And plan implementation, ratio of teacher and student, drafting of items for benchmarking, enterprisers’ satisfaction, ratio of license obtainment, and students’ satisfaction are regarded as highly adequate indicators.4. Organizational performance is also very important domain (58%) in the indicator weights system of this study. Among the dimensions, academic performance is the most important (24.36%), and graduated students with good standard for operating techniques is considered as the leading indicator(8.53%) in the weight system of thirty-nine indicators.Based on the above conclusions, some suggestions of this study are provided for references in the future study and application of impeletment.
頁次 1-44
關鍵詞 技專校院 德懷術 標竿管理 權重體系 analytic hierarchy process benchmarking Delphi survey technical universities and colleges weights system TSSCI
卷期 31
日期 200812
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系