

篇名 高雄市國民小學輔導工作「公共關係」「家庭訪視」實施狀況之調查研究
作者 張淑美
中文摘要 本研究旨在了解高雄市國民小學輔導工作「公共關係」與「家庭訪視」的實施情形,藉根據調查結果提出增進其實施成效具體建議。 本研究採問卷調查法,以自編之「高雄市國民小學公共關係與家庭訪視輔導工作調查問卷」,對高雄市75所公立國小進行普查調查,經回收及催覆共計56所學校寄回問卷、回收率為74.67%,資料之分析以描述統計呈現實施成效,以t檢定考驗不同規模學校實施成效之差異。 一、就「公共關係」之輔導工作而言: (一)整體而言,成效大致良好,以「張貼輔導文章」、「提供輔導刊物」等各項之成果最佳;唯在宣導、研究、研討及召開輔導委員會議等之成效尚不普遍。 (二)只有在「和社區家長的公共關係」層面上,大規模學校的成效比小規模學校顯著。 (三)共同的特色為「和家長及社區辦理親職教育活動」為最多,次為文宣宣導。 (四)推展輔導工作的公共關係之阻礙,以「教師因素」,如人力、編制、時間、專業不足為多。 二、就「家庭訪視」之輔導工作而言: (一)整體而言,成效不十分顯著。唯以「大多數導師能運用各種方式了解學生的家庭狀況」一項頗佳。 (二)不因學校規模大小而成效有所差異。 (三)就「家庭訪視」的特色而言,僅少數學校填答「設置輔導諮詢專線」及「電話聯繫」等,無明顯的共同特色。 (四)就其實施障礙而言,以「家長觀念不易溝通、配合」及「家長及教師均忙碌」為多。 根據研究結論,分別就學校輔導「公共關係」及「家庭訪問」兩項工作,提出建議數項,藉供教育當局及學校實施輔工作之參考。
英文摘要 The purposes of the study were aimed to investigate the practice of the guidance & counseling, focusing on “Public Relationships” and “Family Visits” at the primary schools in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R. O. C.    The questionnaire of “Investigation on Public Relationship and Family Visits in the Primary Schools’ Guidance and Couseling” was conducted in the study. All of the 75 public primary schools in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R. O. C. were investigated. Fifty-six of the schools returned the questionnaire by mail. Frequency and t-test were used to process and analyze the collected data.    The main findings of the study were as the following:    A.The work performance of “Public Relationships” of the Guidance and Counseling on the primary schools:    (1)Most of the “Public Relationships” on the Guidance Counseling at the primary schools were well implemented; yet, some tasks on the dissemination of ideas, research on counseling, coordinating of the workshops or the meetings of the committee of school counseling were not very significant.    (2)On the guidance of “Public Relationships” with the parents, large-scale schools were significantly more active than small-scale ones.    (3)Coordination the parental education, communication with the students’ parents, and the dissemination of ideas were more effective than other (activities).    (4)The obstacles of implementing the tasks on “Public Relationships” mainly came from the shortage of counselor teachers, such as staff requirements, time on tasks, such as: the professionals on duty and insufficiency of professional knowledge and skills.    B.The work performance of “Family Visits” of the guidance and counseling on the primary schools:    (1)In general, the outcomes seemed not significant: the only one significant effect was on the domain that the classroom-advisor teachers would try to use various ways to understand their students’ family background.    (2)There were no significant differences between large-scale schools and small-scale ones.    (3)Insignificant special performance on the “Family Visits” was reported by the primary schools.    (4)The obstacles of implementing the tasks on “Family Visits” might come from that both the parents and teachers were too busy to communicate with each othe.    Based on the findings, some feasible recommandations were suggested.
頁次 317-349
關鍵詞 高雄市 國民小學 輔導工作 公共關係 家庭訪視 TSSCI
卷期 11
日期 199506
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系