

篇名 关于扩招的几个问题
並列篇名 Some Questions about the Expanding College Enrollment in China
作者 汤敏
中文摘要 近年来大学扩招缓解了青年学子上大学难的问题,但是又产生了贫困学生缴不起学费、毕业生找工作难、教育质量下降等问题。这些问题的出现,并不是扩招的方向错了,也不是教育与市场相结合的改革错了,而是计划体制中的币端还没有完全消除、改革还不够完善造成的。与同等发展水平的国家相比,中国的大学生入学率还很低。资助子女上大学,还是大部分家庭最好的投资之一。扩招扩大农村青年上大学的机会,使机会更加平等。解决贫困生上大学难的出路在于改革“一刀切“式的不合理的大学助学补贴方式,改变贫困家庭付不起、富裕家庭搭便车享受补贴的怪现象。而这些问题只有在不断地改革中才能得到解决。
英文摘要 Expanding college enrollment in recent years has alleviated the bottleneck of higher education in China. However, many other problems are emerging such as some students from poor family cannot afford high tuition;some college graduates are difficult to find a good job, and quality of education is deteriorating in some universities. Those problems caused more by the unreformed traditional central planned education system than the expansion of universities. Enrollment rate of the tertiary education is still lower in China compared with many countries in the same stage of development. Paying for children’s higher education is still one of the best investment decision for the most families. College expansion also provided more opportunities for rural youth. To address affordability of the poor family, it should reform current equal subsidy system and let students form the poor families get more subsidies. Continuous reform is the only way to address all those problems in the higher education.
頁次 62-71
關鍵詞 大学扩招 教育投入 CSSCI
卷期 4:2
日期 200604
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學