

篇名 師範校院「教育實習」課程與教學之研究
作者 鍾蔚起
中文摘要 師範校院「教育實習」課程在教師培育過程中具「畫龍點睛」與「品管」功能,乃是教師教育的關鍵時期,其實施成效對未來教帥品質的良窳,影響至為深遠。本研究之目的在於探討中學師資培育「教育實習」課程與教學實施的理論與問題,了解「教育實習」課程的改革方向,並設計一套中學師資培育階段「教育實習」課程與教學模式。    本研究採文獻探討,蒐集國內外有關「教育實習」的論述與實徵研究進行分析。本研究內容包括以下各節:(1)敘述「教育實習」的意義、功能、國內課程實施現況、國外課程實施特色。(2)分析「教育實習」課程設計與教學實施的理論:包括教師專業社會化過程、心理學與教學理論:例如技巧訓練、模擬、微型、與反省性思考等、以及「教育實習」制度與課程內容的發展趨勢。(3)說明「教育實習」課程教學的模式:包括一般教學模式、微型教學、「試教」與「督導」教學模式,以及「反省性思考」教學模式。(4)結論:一套綜合性的課程設計與教學模式。此一模式的活動設計係以學生的省思與發展為主,重視其適應不同教學環境與社會變遷的能力;設計原則乃是兼顧社會學、心理學與教學各類理論與模式,並參考師教育的發展趨勢;在活動內容方面,正式教學活動、個人發展與環境設計同時並重,且相互配合;在課程安排方面,將活動安排於養成教育各年級中,依目標與需求循序漸進;在實施人員方面,並重養成機構與試教學校的人員的功能與合作;最後說明實施此一模式所需的配合措施。
英文摘要 Teaching Practicum should be the capstone in a structured sequence of learning experiences that prepare the students of teachers’ college for entry into professional practice. This practicum should provide students with opportunities which facilitate the formation of a meaningful whole from the teacher education curriculum. the purpose of this study was to explore the practice and problems of curriculum and teaching of the practicum.    Reviewing literature review was used as the ways for this study. Data were collected from theses and empirical research was to be analyzed. Research findings fell into four categories:    1)description on the importance, function, practice, and problems of the practicum.    2)theorical foundation of practicum was to be analyzed; including the process of professional socialization, psychology, and theories of teaching; such as simulation, micro-teaching, and reflective thinking.    3)delineration on curriculum design and models of teaching; including general model of practicum, micro-teaching, model of student teaching and supervision, as well as reflective thinking model.    4)conclusion.    An integrated model of curriculum and teaching was designed as the conclusion of this study. It was based primarily on the professional development of students of the teachers college, and their adaptation for future teaching environment and social change. The collaboration of supervisor of university and secondary school was also to be emphasized.
頁次 159-193
卷期 10
日期 199305
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系