

篇名 中国民族学院的历史演变及其组织特性
並列篇名 On the Historical Development of the Universities for Nationalities and its Organizational Characteristics
作者 陈.巴特尔 、Peter Englert
中文摘要 本文在阐述普通高等学校的组织特性与回顾民族学院发展历程的基础上,对民族学院的组织特性进行了探讨。在组织目标上,民族学院已经从昔日培养民族政治干部的特殊高等学校发展成主要为民族地区和少数民族培养高级专门人才的正规高等学校;在组织结构上,民族学院从往日的政府附属的事业单位逐歩演变为面向社会自主办学的独立法人实体;在组织行为上,传统的行政权力控制学术权力的局面渐渐变为各职能部门的行政行为服务于各个专业学院及其教师的教学科研行为。
英文摘要 This paper discusses the organizational characteristics of the universities for nationalities on the basis of explaining the organizational characteristics of general higher educational institutions and reviewing the historical development of universities for nationalities. As for the organizational goal, they changed from some special political institutions of higher education into regular higher educational institutions. As for the organizational structure, they were turned from the institutions with affiliation to the government into independent legal entities geared to the needs of the society and run on their own. As for organizational behaviors, it changed the traditional situation that administrative power controls academic power, and the administrative behavior of every functional department began to serve each professional institute and the teacher’s teaching and scientific research.
頁次 72-78
關鍵詞 高等学校 民族学院 组织特性 CSSCI
卷期 6:2
日期 200804
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學