

篇名 國中高、低成就學生家庭背景及心理特質之比較研究
作者 吳裕益
中文摘要 學生之學業成就(academic achievement)為教學是否成功之重要指標,故學業成就素為學校教師、家長、教育行政人員及教育學者所重視。Horris(1940)歸納1930年~1938年有關文獻,發現影響學業成就之主要因素有三:即能力(如智力、性向)、努力(如驅力、動機)和環境。Havighurst(1971)亦指出影響學童成就水準之因素有四:即兒童之天賦能力、兒童之家庭生活或家訓練方式、兒童所受學校教育之性質、兒童在家庭及學校生活經驗中所形成之自我觀念和抱負水準。可見影響學業成就之因素很多,能力之不同並非唯一之因素。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this study is to determine the occurrence of over-and under-achievers and the Differences of family backgrounds and personal characteristics.    The subjects are 174 8th graders from junior high schools in Kaohsiung city. the instruments adopted for the study include: (1)Intelligence Test for Juniar High school students, (2)Culture-fair General Ability Test, (3)Moral Judgement Test, and (4)Ko’s personality Test.    Based on the subjects’ IQ, the multiple regression equations are established and subjects’ grades of Chiese, English, and mathematics are predicted separately. By comparing the degrees of differences between actual and predicted grades, all subjects are classified into 3 groups: over-achievers, expected achievers, and under-achievers. The over-achievers and under-achievers are then compared on selected family and personal factors. The groups of over-achievers and under-achievers are compared on subscores of mathematics, English, and Chinese.    The major findings of this study are stated as follows:    1. The percentages of under-achievers in junior high school courses are: 24.71% in Chinese, 31.03% in English, 29.31% in mathematics.    2. Under-achievers are significantly lower than over-achievers in social-economic status, especially for underachievers in English.    3. The parental attitudes towards over-achievers are more positive than those of parents of under-achievers, and this is also true for underachievers in English.    4.There are no significant differences of ego strength between over-achievers and under-achievers.    5. Over-achievers are significantly higher in Moral judgment Maturity score than underachievers. the former’s grades in moral education are much higher than under-achievers.    Based on the above findings and conclusions of this study, some suggestions for guidances of under-achievers in the Republic of china are included.
頁次 211-248
卷期 2
日期 198009
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系