

篇名 領導新典範:後英雄式領導的意涵及其對學校行政領導的啟示
並列篇名 New Leadership Paradigm: Implementing Post-heroic Leadership in School Administration
作者 蔡進雄(Tsai, Ching-hsiung)
中文摘要 盱衡目前中小學組織環境,從教師法等相關法令公佈實施,學校組織之行政、教師會及家長會之三足鼎立,校長之領導角色已不再是過去傳統的權威領導者,也不應是英雄式的獨裁者而是要轉變為權力的分享者。在此學校組織環境之下,校長適合採用後英雄式領導,將權力下放,鼓舞每位成員成為學校的領航人,發展成員的專業能力,使每位行政人員及教師成為學校教育的領導者,而校長是領導者中的領導者。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this study is to search the fundamental of post-heroic leadership and explore the feasibility of implementing post-heroic leadership in school administration. In the past, we emphasized heroic leadership, but now we shall apply post-heroic leadership to empower teachers. The study recommends six suggestions for implementing post-heroic leadership in school administration, including beyond transformational leadership, enhancing teacher empowerment, sharing power, emphasizing team, and so on. In short, the study is to provide some suggestions and recommendations for applying post-heroic leadership to school leadership to improve the management of school administration.
頁次 111-130
關鍵詞 後英雄式領導 學校行政 Post-heroic leadership School administration TSSCI
卷期 7:1
日期 200402
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所