

篇名 教育行政類系所品牌評估模式之初步建構
並列篇名 A Preliminary Study on the Brand Assessment Model for the Graduate Schools of Educational Administration
作者 葉連祺(Yeh, Lain-chyi)
中文摘要 近年來大學校院成立教育行政類系所成為趨勢,並逐漸形成品牌差異化的情形。學校教育人員如何看待這些教育行政類系所品牌,採用哪些評估規準和評估邏輯,是值得深究的議題。對此,可綜合品牌評估、大學系所經營法理和理念、大學排名和評鑑指標等、大學品質管理和品牌管理等理論和研究成果,發展出自學校、系所、教師和學生四個層面評估的理論模式,作為實證檢驗的依據。分析189 位大學教師和中小學教育人員對119 個評估項目重要性的看法,採取模式產生的分析策略,獲得學校影響系所、系所影響教師、教師影響學生的因果關係模式,另藉由精簡評估項目為評估要素,建立了品牌評估要素的因果關係模式,可做為系所主管打造品牌和發展系所品牌評估理論的參考。
英文摘要 To set up new graduate schools of educational administration is a trend growing important after 1996 in Taiwan. The phenomenon of brand difference among the graduate schools of educational administration was also increasingly emerged. How college educators perceived the brands of graduate schools of educational administration and used assessment criterions and logics are all worthy of study. So, this study discussed a hypothesis causal model to assess the brand of graduate schools of educational administration which based on the theories and researches included brand assessment, legislation and operational ideas for university or faculty, university ranking, university evaluation indicators, and quality management and brand management of university. The hypothesis causal model used four aspects, which include university, faculty, teacher and student, to verify the relationship of assessing the brands of graduate schools of educational administration. 189 educators in universities and 1-12 schools were sampled to understand their perceptions of brand assessment items about graduate schools of educational administration. One causal model was produced to indicate one linear influential relationship of brand perceptions among the aspects of university, faculty, teacher and student. Moreover, all assessment items were simplified into few assessment elements to construct a causal model. The model can be a reference for branding of graduate schools of educational administration and for further developing the related brand assessment theory.
頁次 151-179
關鍵詞 品牌 品牌管理 高等教育 Brand Brand management Higher education TSSCI
卷期 9:4
日期 200611
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所