

篇名 教育现代化:理论与技术的对话 ─ 教育学原理与教育技术学两大阵营的对话
並列篇名 Educational Modernization:Dialogue Between Theory and Technology
作者 杨小微 、金学成 、杨帆
中文摘要 一般前所未有的新技术浪潮正向我们涌来,它在更新教育的物质形态的同时,也在冲击着教育者的精神世界,并提出种种新问题迫使我们思考:信息技术的应用怎样才有效地改变教育?是什么导致了教育技术应用上的误区?信息技术的这些应用对学生和教师已经和将要带来什么影响?人在新技术创造的新环境中究竟如何生存...存在的差异决定思维的差异,从事教育学原理研究的人们与从事教育技术学研究的人们,对这些问题给出了不同的答案,在我们以教育现代化为追求的思考与行动过程中,正是这些有差异的思维与答案,使理论与技术之间的对话成为必要,也成为可能。
英文摘要 An unprecedented wave of new technology is emerging. It is not only renewing educationally physically instruments, but also impacting educator’s inner world, and bringing forward a variety of new issues. How does the application of information technology change effectively?What has misled the application of educational technology?What has the application of educational technology influenced and will influence upon students and teachers?How on earth does human exist in the new circumstances created with new technology?The different thinking ways are decided by the different existences. Experts on educational theory and educational technology have addressed the different answers to these questions. It is these different thinking ways and answers that enable the dialogue between theory and technology to be necessary and possible in the course of thinking and acting on the pursuit of educational modernization.
頁次 11-14
關鍵詞 dialogue the application of educational technology educational theory educational modernization 对话 教育技术应用 教育学理论 教育现代化 CSSCI
卷期 12:5
日期 200610
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學