

篇名 遠程教育模式下理工科虛擬實驗設計研究
並列篇名 On the Design of the Virtual Experiment of Engineering Courses in Distance Learning Model
作者 徐丹麗
中文摘要 基于网络的远程教育是随着IT技术发展起来的一种新科学模式,其特点是通过网络方式完成教与学双方的交互过程,这种模式给传统的面对面教学的理工科实验环节带来极大的难题。本文提出了远程教育模式下理工科课程的教学实验开发和设计的几种基本方法,并通过两们课程实例进行设计过程的具体说明。
英文摘要 Distance education is a new education model on the support of information technology, in which network acts as the media of the interaction between teaching and learning. However it is difficult for implementing experiments which need special equipments in engineering courses during network teaching. The article discusses the methods for the design and implement of virtual experiment on engineering courses, and put forward two experiments examples which were designed by the author for two courses teaching.
頁次 90-92
關鍵詞 distance education virtual experiment distance experiment combination of virtual and reality 遠程教育 虛擬實驗 遠程實驗 虛實結合 CSSCI
卷期 13:7
日期 200706
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學