

篇名 教育的场所 ─ 一种对教育现象时空特性的尝试性分析
並列篇名 The Locale of Education:A Trial Analysis of the Space─Time Characteristics of the Educational Phenomena
作者 项贤明
中文摘要 教育现象具有两个重要的基本特性:交互作用和连续性。针对这两个基本特性,本文尝试运用社会学和拓扑学的方法,对教育现象的时空特性进行了初歩的分析。文章分别探讨了生活时空、学习时空、工作时空和公众时空中教育场所的特性,在更加深入细致地分析学校以外教育现象的时空特性方面,作出了新的尝试。
英文摘要 The educational phenomena has two important essential characteristics:the reciprocate process and the continuity. This paper is trying to analyze the educational phenomena on their space─time characteristics within the across perspectives of sociology and topology. It described the locale of education in four parts, the life─space─time, the learning─space─time, the labor─space─time and the public─space─time. It has explored some useful new approaches to the space─time characteristics of education phenomena in and out of school.
頁次 84-89
關鍵詞 教育现象 educational space─time characteristics of education educational phenomena 教育时空 教育特性 CSSCI
卷期 1:4
日期 200310
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學