

篇名 國立科學工藝博物館輔助中小學科技教育設施之途徑
作者 邱兆偉 、曾國鴻 、江南發 、楊裕仁
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討國立科學工藝博物館如何輔助中小學科技教育設施,以提升中小學的科技教育。本研究主要研究方法採用(1)文獻調查法(Literature Survey)(2)檔案資料分析法(Documentory Analysis)(3)訪問調查法(Visiting Survey)(4)經驗調查法(Experiences survey)(5)專題研討法(Seminar Discussion)等五種,根據本研究之主要結果,得到下列幾項結論:1.國立科學工藝博物館宜設置教學中心,負責推動輔助中小學科學及科技教育,其職掌涵蓋中小學師生各項科技新知研習活動的策劃推動、科學工藝訓練營的舉辦,以及實驗教材教具的設計與製作等。2.教學中心推展教育服務活動,以輔助中小學科技教育,宜定位於三個方向,即:(1)把握科技教育應優先辦理的項目,(2)規劃辦理科技教育的適宜方式,以及(3)配合不同學校與年級而規劃科技教育的內容。3.教學中心教育活動宜規劃以通俗性,且與個人生活息息相關之科技主題配合。4.教學中心規劃的教學設施,宜參考舊金山探索館,規劃科技教育工廠及教室,並提供相關的服務活動。5.教學中心宜與地方社區合作建立教育網路,以輔助中小學科技教育之發展。6.科學工藝博物館可善盡輔助人文教育之功能。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this study is to explore possible functions for promoting elementary and secondary school science and technology education, that may be provided by the National Museum of Science and Technology, which is under construction in the Metropolitan City of Kaohsiung. The principal methods used in this study, include literature survey, documentary analysis, visiting survey, experiences survey, and seminar discussion.    Some significant findings are secured from this study as follow.    1.A Center for Science and Technology should be established as an intergral unit for this Museum. This Center should provide workshop activities, training camps, curriculum development, designing and making of instructional facilities for science and technology education.    2.Three major suggestions are made for the cited Canter in assisting elementary and secondary school science and technology education, that is, (1) a order of priorities should be prepared, (2) good patterns of educational activities should be developed, ad (3) different instructional contents should be programmed for different grades of elementary and secondary school students.    3.Educational activities in this Center should cater to both common and individual needs.    4.The Center cited, taking some relevant ideas from the Exploratorium at San Francisco, may construct laboratories and classrooms and sponsor related educational activities.    5.The Instructional Center may cooperate with local communities for developing educational networks which is supposed to promote science and technology education in elementary and secondary schools.    6.The Museum of Science and Technology may make substantial contributions in sponsoring the functions of humanties education.
頁次 195-224
卷期 10
日期 199305
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系