

篇名 加拿大安大略省中学《职业生涯教育与指导》课程述评
並列篇名 Introduction and Comments on the Ontario Curriculum Guidance and Career Education for Secondary Schools in Canada
作者 杨燕燕
中文摘要 现行加拿大安大略省中学课程《职业生涯教育与指导》由《学习策略1:在中学获得成功的技能》、《职业生涯研究》、《发现职场》、《设计你的未来》、《领导与同伴支持》、《高级学习策略:在中学后获得成功的技能》和《驾驭职场》七个课目组成。本文概要介绍了该课程的地位、所组成课目的主要内容、总体课程期望和教学方法,并提出了该课程的特点及对我国中学课程开发的几点启示。
英文摘要 The Ontario Curriculum Guidance and Career Education from Grade 9 to 12 is composed of 7 courses. They are Learning Strategies 1: Skills for Success in Secondary School, Career Studies, Discovering the Workplace, Designing Your Future, Leadership and Peer Support, Advanced Learning Strategies: Skills for Success After Secondary School and Navigating the Workplace. This article describes the roles of the curriculum and introduces the main contents of the courses, the curriculum expectation and teaching approaches. It also provides comments on the characteristics of the curriculum and enlightenment to curriculum development for Chinese secondary school.
頁次 73-77
關鍵詞 加拿大安大略省 职业生涯教育与指导 课程 Ontario Guidance and Career Education Curriculum in the Secondary School Characteristics enlightenment CSSCI
卷期 26:12
日期 200512
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所