

篇名 工作场的学习:概念、认知基础与教学模式
並列篇名 Workplace Learning: Conception, Cognition Theory and Instruction Model
作者 赵蒙成
中文摘要 工作场的学习是过去10多年间西方学习科学研究的一个热点。虽然其概念还存在争议,但所有的定义都强调了现场任务与目标、学习者之间以及与指导者之间互动的重要性。工作场的学习的认知机制有别于学校的学习,其认知基础是整体认知理论和社会文化的建构主义,与工作场的学习相适应的教学模式是弹性教学,特别是认知学徒制。深入探讨工作场的学习的意义与过程,对于反思和改进学校教育具有重大价值。
英文摘要 Workplace learning is an important research field of learning science in the developed countries in the past decade. Although there is still disagreement regarding its conceptions, all the views emphasize the necessity of authentic task and purpose, as well as interactions between learners and instructors. Different from classroom learning, the cognition system of workplace learning is based on unified cognitive theory and social-cultural constructivism. Flexible delivery and especially cognitive apprenticeship are the supportive instruction model to workplace learning. Investigating the meaning and process of workplace learning is of great value for improving the effectiveness of classroom learning.
頁次 51-56
關鍵詞 工作场的学习 以计算器为媒介的沟通 弹性教学 情境认知 workplace learning computer-based communication flexible delivery situated cognition CSSCI
卷期 30:1
日期 200801
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所