

篇名 A Comparative Study of Student Personnel Work in Higher Education Between USA and China (Taiwan)
並列篇名 「中美大學輔導制度之比較」
作者 陳慶文
中文摘要 本文所稱輔導工作,包括學習的、生活的、就業的、與心理輔導各方面。此一定義,事實上包括了訓導與輔導設施,在美國通稱為學生人事工作(Student Personnel Work)。    根據本文的探討,作者歸納中美兩國輔導工作的同異如左:    一、相同部份    中美兩國皆視輔導工作為學校對學生應提供的服務,同認為輔導是為整個教育目標而設計者,同樣是為謀求明天更美好社會的一項教育措施。    二、相異部份    美國是一個相當民主與開放的社會,人人要求更多的獨立與自由。只有在生存受到危脅時,他們才會團結在一起。而在平常時期,他們重視個性發展、個人自由、與個別差異。此種思想反映在大學輔導工作有以下幾點:    1、大學裏有眾多的輔導部門、自入學註冊,獎學金、諮商、測驗、宿舍、伙食、文康體育活動,以至於就業輔導等等、提供學生全面的服務。    2、視大學生為一級公民,與一般人沒有不同。凡法律上承認成人應有的權力均加以維護,不因入學而受到限制,因此,學生政府也比照社會,分成行政(主席、副主席及各種委員會)立法(有學生議會,議員由各社團各宿舍選擧代表組)成與司法(學生法庭,法官由行政部門提請學生議會同意後任命)三部門,互相制衡。學生政府也有代表在大學管理委員會擔任委員,因此對大學行政有相當大的影響力。    3、輔導工作偏重在別輔導與諮商方面,而對於團紀律與道德教育則較為忽略。    至於我國,在傳統上我們是人口眾多,實施大家庭制的農業社會。我們比較強調團結與合作,較偏重社會的需要,此種思想反映在輔導上有以下幾點:    1、大學裏只有少數的輔導部門,如生活輔導組、課外活動組、體育衛生組,及新近成立的學生輔導中心等。但我們強調輔導是全體教師共同的責任,因此,各單位主管,各系主任以至各班導師皆負輔導之責,並且訓練學生自行處理他們所能做到的一些工作(如組織學生伙食團,學生自治社團等)。    2、我們認為學校是為社會發展而設立者,教師代表社會來教導學生,學生到學校主要是來學習者,因此,學生自治組織,應只限於為學生本身做服務,學生不能過問大學的行政事務。    3、輔導工作偏重在道德教育與社會紀律的維護,而較忽略個別的輔導與諮商工作。    從以上比較,作者對中美兩國輔導工作提出以下的改進建議:    1、對美國方面的建議    (1)設法謀求個人與社會的和諧發展,培養學生更多的社會責任感,以免個人過度的自由思想妨害到社會的健全發展。    (2)確認輔導與教學同為全面教育不可分的一部份,而不要把輔導工作視為教學的附屬品。輔導是在培養個人健全人格與社會健全發展所不可少者,它不只是為了教學要、不得不提供的一些服務。    (3)除個別輔導與諮商外,應再安排各班各系各院以至全校性的團體輔導,以確保個個人與社會的整體需要。    2、對我國方面的建議:    (1)為謀求社會的更大發展,應再強化個人的自由與獨立需要,減少個人的依賴心理。    (2)對大多數人,大學乃其終極教育,為強化其社會的責任感,與增強對社會的抱負,應使學生有更多的參與與更大的影響力。    (3)大學應提供學生更多的服務,包括個別輔導與諮商,協助就業,提供膳宿服務等。
英文摘要 As a professor of psychology, also as the Late Dean of Students of Taiwan Provincial Kaohsiung Teachers’ College, I (the writer) know quite well the student personnel work in Taiwan, Republic of China. Later I have a chance to study at the Eastern Illinois University in the United States, it is suitable for me to make a comparative study of student personnel work between our two countries.    From this study, the writer has found some similarities and some differences in student personnel work between USA and China (Taiwan).    The similarity is that all the student personnel work is a service to the students, and a service for the purpose of education, also is for the society of tomorrow.    The difference are as following:    The United States is a democratic and opened society. Every individual wants to have more freedom and independence. Only when a crisis happens, do they stand together. But in ordinary days, they would rather emphasize individuality, liberty and diversity. all of thought reflect in their student personnel work as follows:    1. The college has many offices which prepares many thing sfor the the students.    2. The college takes the students as first class citizen; the student government can influense the college policy.    3. The important personnel work are guidance and counseling    As to China. we are basically an agiculture society with larger population and keeping a syetem of larger family. we need more unity and communication. We emphasize on the need of society, more unity and obeisance. All these reflect in student personnel works as follows.    1. The colleges has only a few offices, so we need to train the students to do somethings for themselves.    2. The student government has limited power, it can service the student themselves.    3. The important student personnel works are moral education and discipline.    The writer from the above study make some recommendations to both USA and China (Taiwan) as follows:    1. Recommendations ot American student personnel work:    a. Obtain harmony between individuals and society; cultivating the student a keen sense of community.    b. Perform the student personnel work as integrated process of education.    c. Arrange more group guidance and communication for the class, the department, the college and whole campus.    2. Recommendations to Chinese student personnel work:    a. More emphsise individual liberty and independence.    b. Accept the student as a first class citizen.    c. Prepare more services for the students.    d. Give the student government more power.    e. Prepare more guidance and counseling services.
頁次 265-283
卷期 1
日期 197904
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系