

篇名 學校選擇政策的實施經驗與啟示--以美國為例
並列篇名 Implementation Experiences and Implications of American School Choice Policy
作者 張德銳(Chang, Derray)
中文摘要 本文首先對美國「紐澤西州蒙克雷爾市的全學區性學校選擇」、「明尼蘇達州的全州性學校選擇」以及「密爾瓦基市的私立學校選擇」。其次,根據美國的實施經驗以及我國的國情,本文作者提出我國實施學校選擇權的可行途徑,做為結論,而結論主要有三:地一,在學校選擇的三種類型當中,以全學區的學校性選擇較適合我國;第二,學校選擇的實施過程中應設法減少對教育機會均等的不利影響。第三,學校選擇措施的推行可採地方自主的、草根式的、漸進調適的教育改革歷程。
英文摘要 The purpose of this paper is to review the three cases of American school choice, namely the district-wide choice of Montclair, New Jersey; the statewide choice of Minnesota; and the private-school choice of Milwaukee. Based on the implementation experience of American school choice, several implications of the school choice for the educational reform in Taiwan are offered. These implications mainly are: 1) among the three types of school choice, the district-wide choice is more suitable to Taiwanese education; 2) during the process of implementing the school choice policy, it is necessary to adopt some strategies to reduce the unequal effects of school choice; and 3) school choice works best when it is arrived at gradually, locally, and voluntarily.
頁次 86-101
卷期 1:1
日期 199802
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所