

篇名 市場機制或社會正義--教育券政策走向之分析研究
並列篇名 Free Markets or Social Justice--The Developments and Debates of    Voucher Plans in Taiwan and United States
作者 秦夢群(Chin, Joseph M.)
中文摘要 在父母教育選擇權的爭執中,教育券是最富爭議的主張。市場經濟與社會正義之間的拉址,使得歷來教育券計畫之實施均有不同偏向。本文即從歷史的觀點,分析與哦國在各時期所產生的教育券主張與其實施。研究發現美國傳統以自由市場導向的教育券計畫,於1990年代已轉而擁有社會正義的色彩,我國則仍停留在教育代金的制度,與傳統教育券的精神並不相符。此外,研究也指出未來我國全面實施教育券的困難極高,解決之道,可採取在小規模地區針對弱勢的學生的作法,以平息自由市場導向所造成的不公平現象。
英文摘要 The modern development of the voucher plan is generally credited to Milton Friedman and has received support form individuals holding divergent educational beliefs since the 1960s. opponents of the voucher system contend that parents are not sufficiently in formed of educational matters and may not choose a school on the basis of quality of educational program. A number of different voucher proposals such as Milwaukee Voucher Plan and Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program have been reexamined and implemented in the United States since the 1980s. This paper focuses on the historical developments and debates of different voucher plans advocated both in Taiwan and United States followed by an examination of the feasibility of the voucher plans that are currently implemented.
頁次 25-42
關鍵詞 父母學校選擇權 教育券 Parental choices Voucher plan TSSCI
卷期 5:2
日期 200208
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所