

篇名 大学合并与“后合并”时代的对话──中日高等学校合并重组的比较研究
並列篇名 The Dialogue between University Mergence and Post-mergence Era: The Comparative Study on the Mergence and Recombination of Higher Education Institutes in China and Japan
作者 谢仁业
中文摘要 中国大学进入“后合并”时代,日本大学进入合并时代,这是世界高等教育发展史上两起最大的高校合并重组事件。本文从上述事件对两国高等教育发展改革的影响、作用出发开展的比较研究,主要从大学合并重组的历史渊源、时代提出的新要求、主要特征、可共同借凿的经验教训与发展趋势等主要方面进行了探讨。
英文摘要 It is the two biggest events of higher education institute emergence and recombination in the worldwide higher education development history that Chinese universities enter the emergence era and Japanese universities enter post-emergence era. Based on that , The article gives a comparative study about its influence and role on the higher education reform in the two countries, mainly dealing with the following matters: the historic origin of universities mergence and recombination; the new demand put forward by the times and their general characteristics; the experience, lessons and development trend that can be used for the reference by the two countries etc.
頁次 61-64
關鍵詞 大学合并 比较研究 中日比较 University mergence comparative study the comparison between China and Japan CSSCI
卷期 2:1
日期 200401
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學