

篇名 进一步消解深化高等教育改革的体制障碍──读《李岚清教育访谈录》
並列篇名 Eliminating the System Obstacles of Higher Education Development: Views on Li Lanqing on Education
作者 张乐天
中文摘要 《李岚清教育访谈录》对我国高等教育体制改革的动因及改革历程作了清晰的回顾与阐述,读后令人感到亲切又深受启示。我国高等教育体制改革尽管已经取得明显进展,但高等教育适应时代要求的发展依然存在较严重的体制约束与障碍。继续消解高等教育发展的体制障碍需要同加强教育的法制建设紧密联系,协调共进。
英文摘要 Reviewing and analyzing the reasons and progress of higher education reform in our country, Li Lanqing on Education sums up the valuable experiences and inspires us to think over higher education development. Though the reform of higher education system has achieved great progress, the system obstacles and restrictions of higher education development still exist. It is essential to coordinate the enhancement of education legislation system and higher education development to eliminate the system obstacles.
頁次 9-11
關鍵詞 高等教育 体制障碍 消解对策 Higher education system obstacle solution CSSCI
卷期 2:3
日期 200405
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學