

篇名 对开放教育考试改革的思考
並列篇名 Reflection on the Reform of Examination in Open Education
作者 彭海虹
中文摘要 考试是开放教育教学过程中的重要环节。开放教育在试点工作中,虽然在考试方式、考试方法等方面进行了积极的改革与探索,但改革力度并不显著,仍未摆脱应试方式、方法的束缚,不能体现基于计算器与网络的远程开放教育的特点,不能满足参加远程教学习者的需求,因此,改革势在必行。本文认为,开放教育必须在考试的内容、形式、题型、时间等方面进行改革,完善开放教育考试的各个环节,建立与之相适应的、有别于传统普通高等教育的考试方式。
英文摘要 As a key link in teaching process of open education, examination plays a significant role in open education. Reforms and explorations have been made in the aspect of examination model and methods in the open education pilot program, however, they are still insufficient. Restricted by examination methods of exam─oriented education, those reforms can’t reflect the characteristics of distance open education based on compute rand Internet or satisfy the demands of learners in distance open education. Therefore, reform in examination is a must. We need to carry out reforms in the content, form, question types and length of time of examination, and improve every link of open education examination to establish the examination pattern which suits open education and differs from that of traditional higher education.
頁次 81-84
關鍵詞 reform examination open education 考试 改革 开放教育 CSSCI
卷期 12:6
日期 200612
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學