

篇名 教學設計應具有什麼樣的思維和態度──讀懷特海和杜威的過程教育觀的啟示
並列篇名 What Thought and Attitude should be Possessed in Instructional Design──the inspiration from White-head and Dewey’s process education perspective
作者 汪小剛
中文摘要 在课程研究领域里,由于目标模式的课程目标是先验的和外在的,因此,其课程教学设计也表现为封闭和控制性的。针对这种理性主义,笔者特别重提怀特海的过程教育哲学和杜威的过程教育思想,试图从过程的视角探讨其对课程教学设计的启示,从中发现数学设计研究的本真思维方式和态度。
英文摘要 In the filed of curriculum study, the instructional design behaves close and dominating because the curriculum goals of the objective education model are transcendent and exterior. The author brings up White-head’s process education philosophy and Dewey’s process education thought again to be dead against the logos-ism. He tries to discuss the inspiration for instructional design from the process perspective, expecting to seek the really thought manner and attitude of instructional design.
頁次 46-51
關鍵詞 thought manner instructional design the process education process 教學設計 思維方式 過程教育 CSSCI
卷期 13:2
日期 200704
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學