

篇名 數學學習需求之內涵建構及量表編製
並列篇名 A Study on Mathematical Learning Needs: The Intension and Construction of Its Scale
作者 趙梅如 、黃信樽
中文摘要 本研究探討臺灣地區國中生數學學習之心理狀態及建構其內涵,並編製一份適合國中生之數學學習需求量表,以提供教學、研究和輔導使用。總量表含表現需求、精熟需求、認同需求、防衛需求等四個分量表。共19題,為一個四點量尺的量表。本研究先以開放式問卷蒐集國中學生於數學學習情境中的心理反應與態度,據以編製情境式量表。並以480位國中生為預試樣本,進行項目分析;再以760位國中生為正式樣本,進行驗證性因素分析,以驗證數學學習需求之內涵建構,並考驗量表之信、效度。其結果如下:一、在信度上,表現需求、精熟需求、認同需求、防衛需求四個分量表之Cronbach α係數分別為 .70、.79、.72、.76及總量表之Cronbach α係數為 .83,顯示此量表有適切的內部一致性信度。二、在效度上,經過項目分析、專家檢驗,並以驗證性因素分析進行適配性考驗,結果顯示理論模式與觀察資料具有良好之適配度,各項係數均在標準值範圍內,顯現量表的建構效度良好。
英文摘要 The objective of this paper is to study the intension of mathematical learning needs and to construct its scale suiting to junior high school students in Taiwan and for reference applicable in teaching, research and counseling. This scale includes, performance need, mastery need, identity need and defense need, four sub-scales and 19 questions as a four-point Likert-type scale. This study is based on samples in Taiwan from 480 second-grade junior high school students as pilot sample; 760 second-grade junior high school students as determining sample with reliability and validity tested. The results have shown: 1.The scale of mathematical learning needs has reached satisfactory level of internal consistency reliability, tested with Cronbach α coefficients .70, .79, .72, .76, and .83 for performance need, mastery need, identity need and defense need, four sub-scales and overall scale of mathematical learning needs, respectively.2.This scale has a clear factorial structure through experts’ validity. Through the confirmatory factor analysis, this scale has shown that the theoretical model fit the observed data well.
頁次 159-195
關鍵詞 數學 confirmatory factor analysis learning needs mathematics 驗證性因素分析 學習需求 TSSCI
卷期 32
日期 200906
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系