

篇名 The Frontier Poems of Chang Chi
並列篇名 台東師院舉報第九期民87年4月五十週年校慶專輯張籍的邊塞詩
作者 王萬象(Wang, Eric Wan-hsiang)
中文摘要 「邊塞詩」是唐代詩人筆下的重要主題之一,其範固涵蓋了對邊塞風光與軍旅生活的進歌,以及對兵棄戰禍塗炭生靈的情況所寫的挽歌。唐人邊塞詩的題材十分豐富,不限定於對塞垣烽火的描述。在唐代詩人的羽集裡'有一些主題內容值得我們加以注意:邊疆生活與事物的刻割、戰爭勝利的語歌、愛國主義思想的頌揚,和征夫思婦的永恆思態。此外,許多遠塞詩人試圖揭露戰爭約罪惡與社會的不仗平現象,尤其是在中唐詩人的作品裡'對於戰亂所帶來的苛稅搖役,念意之情溢然紙土。本文首先將追溯唐以前「征戌詩J的發展情況,再詳加討論中唐詩人張籍的十九首邊塞詩。張籍的邊塞詩以處理邊防將士,深閏恩婦,以及飽受戰火摧殘的農民,尤為細膩深刻。總的來說,張籍的邊塞詩發抒其病癱在抱的仁者心懷會對身處離亂的百姓,.志閥其流離失所,無依無靠的艱難處境。更有甚者,張籍對邊防將士的驕侈無能深加諷刺,譴責其未盡全力守疆護土,同時亦假借生離死剖的征夫思婦之口,進出其厭戰、反戰的情緒思想。雖然出之以簡摸精辣的詩歌語言,張籍的確頗能主現給讀者那些邊防將士疲倦的神色,特剖是當他們置身塞垣面對荒漠寒山時的所思所感。
英文摘要 Pien- sai shih" 邊塞詩(Frontier poetry) is one of the major motifs in    T'ang poetry which covers “a range of attitudes from the eulogistic to the    elegiac" in its thematic designation. T'ang frontier poetry contains a wealth of subject matters, not limited to the descriptions of the beacon fires on the frontier. Thereare several interesting topics that appeared in T'ang poets' collections: portrayals of frontier life and objects, eulogies of war victory, praises of patriotism,and infatuations between the conscripts and their longing wives. Besides, many frontier poets attempted to reveal the evils of war and social injustice. In particular, resentment against military service and forced labor was expressed in the works of mid-T'ang poets.
The paper will examine 19 frontier poems of Chang Chi張籍(ca.766-830) by tracing the origins of the “expedition and·guard " (征成)theme in pre - T'ang times. Of these poems, the most conspicuous are the works dealing with the frontier generals,their conscripts, and peassnts ravaged by incessant wars. In the main, Chang Chi's frontier poems are concerned with the hardships of war and garrison duties. To express his heartfelt sympathy for the soldiers and peassants, Chang Chi reflects the displacement and devastation of wartime in the frontier zones. By employing a plain yet refmed poetic language, Chang Chi is able to represent what the .frontier generals and soldiers have in mind upon seeing the cold and desolate scenery outside their military outposts.
頁次 365-406
關鍵詞 frontier poetry expedition and guard yueh - fu (music bureau poetry) frontier generals and their conscripts border garrison 邊塞詩 征戊詩 樂府 邊防將士 塞垣 TSSCI
卷期 9:1
日期 199806
刊名 臺東大學教育學報
出版單位 國立臺東大學