

篇名 國小一年級社會科教科書內容分析
並列篇名 Content Analysis of Social Studied textbooks of the First grade in the Elementary School
作者 吳若琳(Wu, Lo-lin)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討國民小學一年組社會科教科書的內容分析,本研究經文獻探討及教科書內容分析之後,歸納出教科書教育內容的具體建議。本文歸納說明如下:一、知識層面:教科書內容範園分屬於「朋友」、「家」、「家庭生活」、「班級」、「學校」與r學校生活J六個主類目。但每種版本知識領域分配的比重並不平均,各版本尤以「學校」及「學校生活」大類分自己比重最少。在次類四方面,雖然各個版本分配領域不完全相同,經研究者歸納出六種版本較常出現的次類目,以反應教科書較常出現且重要的內容概念。色括「班組」大類中「與師長同學相處方式」次類目,r家庭生活」大類中「家庭生活 安排」次無目,r家」大類的「相處方式」次類目、「朋友﹒」大類的「交往方 式J次類目、「學校」大類的「學校活動場所規則」次鑽回以及「學校生活」大頡中的「校園生活」次類目。二、人物特質層面:人物特質分析結果,每課中男女性剖出現的機會差不多。但在校長性別、學校護士的性別、福利社員性剖、圖書館員性別、警衛先生性別及工友性剖等,則有明顯的性別分野,是需在編輯教科書土再加強男女平等工作權的觀念,防止性別意識型態的灌輸。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to analyse the contents of social studied textbooks of the first grade in the elementary school. The social studied textbooks include about six items at knowlege area. They are friends, family, family life, classroom, school and school life . They are presented in the textbook at different percentage. The results shows that two of them ,school and school life ,have smaller percentage. Female and male have almost the same oppertunities to present in textbooks. But the data shows it is not fair about role's sex. For example, school leaders, guards, and office boys, most of them are the male. But school nurses, librarian and the workers in school cooperative store, most are the female. I think it's necessary to emphasize the concept of equal rights for both sexes in roles
頁次 91-147
關鍵詞 國民小學 內容分析 社會科 elementary school social studies content analysis TSSCI
卷期 9:1
日期 199806
刊名 臺東大學教育學報
出版單位 國立臺東大學