

篇名 教学设计与技术的趋势和问题——访教学设计领域国际知名学者罗伯特·瑞泽教授
並列篇名 Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology——The Interview with Dr. Robert A. Reiser
作者 希建华(Xi, Jian-hua) 、梁林梅(Liang, Lin-mei)
中文摘要 佛罗里达州立大学教学系统专业(The Instructional System program at Florida State University)1968年由罗伯特·摩根(Robert M. Morgan)博士创建,归属教育学院教育心理与学习系统系(Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems)。该专业在全美教育技术领域始终保持名列前茅:1981年在全美教育技术领域最有影响力的机构中排名第五(Moore,1981),1988年上升至第二(Moore,1988);2000年全美教育技术博士生培养排名调查中位居第二(IT Forum, 2000);2003-2004年对美国和加拿大教育技术(及相近)专业所使用的教材情况进行的调查显示:在教育技术领域使用最多的五本教材中,有三本教材的作者是该专业的教师(Reiser, Mackal,& Sachs, 2005);2004年对150多位在工商企业从业的教学设计师调查表明,该专业的人才培养质量位居第一(Larson, 2004)。佛罗里达州立大学教学系统专业拥有一批活跃在教育技术领域,具有世界影响的著名学者——Robert Gagne、Leslie J. Briggs、Walter Dick、Roger Kaufman、Robert Branson、Robert Reiser、Walter Wager、John Keller、Marcy Driscoll、Michael Spector、Norbert Seel等,除此之外,近年来还聘请了美国教育技术领域众多著名专家学者作为其兼职教授,如David Merrill、James D. Russell、Don Ely等。
本文的访谈对象罗伯特·瑞泽(Robert A. Reiser)教授于1974年在亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)获得教育技术学博士学位,从1976年开始在佛罗里达州立大学任教至今,2000年获佛罗里达州立大学杰出教学奖,2003年开始担任教学系统专业负责人,2004年荣任教育学院“罗伯特·摩根讲席教授”。瑞泽教授先后与加涅合作撰写了《选择教学媒体》(1983),与沃特·迪克(Walter Dick)合作撰写了《规划有效教学》(1989)和《教学规划:教师指南》(1996)。与John V. Dempsey合作主编的《教学设计与技术的趋势和问题》(Trends and Issues of Instructional Design and Technology)(第一版和第二版)在教育技术界享有广泛影响,先后获得美国教育传播与技术协会(AECT)颁发的杰出图书奖以及国际绩效改进协会(ISPI)颁发的杰出人类绩效传播奖,第一版还获得了AECT的图书最高奖——詹姆斯·布朗杰出出版奖。目前,此书已经成为教育技术学专业课程教学最常采用的教科书之一。
英文摘要 Dr. Robert A. Reiser, the professor whose answers to our interview questions appear below, is a Distinguished Teaching Professor and the Robert M. Morgan Professor of Instructional Systems in the Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems at Florida State University. Dr. Reiser joined the Florida State faculty in January 1976, shortly after receiving his doctorate in Educational Technology from Arizona State University.Dr. Reiser has written four books in the field of instructional design and technology. These have included Selecting Media for Instruction (written in 1983 with Robert M. Gagne), Planning Effective Instruction (1989) and Instructional Planning: A Guide for Teachers (1996), both written with Walter Dick. His most recent book, which was published in June, 2006, is the second edition of Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (edited with John V. Dempsey). This book was awarded the James W. Brown Publication Award, the premier book award presented by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), as well as the Outstanding Book Award presented by the AECT Division of Design and Development. Most recently, it received the 2007 Outstanding Human Performance Communication Award from the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI).Dr. Reiser’s service activities have included a nine-year term as chairman of the Department of Educational Research at Florida State. Currently, he is serving a second term as program leader of the Instructional Systems program.
頁次 4-9
關鍵詞 趋势 教育技术 教学技术 问题 教学设计 educational technology instructional technology instructional design trends issues CSSCI
卷期 14:2
日期 200804
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學