

篇名 加拿大城市原住民教育所面临的问题
並列篇名 Issue of Urban Aboriginal Education in Canada
作者 Robert Wesley Heber
中文摘要 原住民是加拿大人口增长最快的少数民族,而且正经历着大规模由农村移民到城市的过程,这一过程是其它民族都必须经历的。然而加拿大原住民在正规教育和教育机会方面还落后于整个国家的水准。造成这种现实的原因是复杂的,渉及历史关联、政府政策、变化的形势以及社会经济挑战等因素。本文力图阐述存在的问题并分析其对原住民教育机会的限制,同时对克服原住民教育机会不平等的具体措施进行了探讨。
英文摘要 Aboriginal people in Canada are the fastest growing minority population in the country, and are experiencing the greatest rural to urban migration of any ethnic group. Yet Aboriginal Canadians are lagging behind the national norms in formal education and opportunity. Reasons for these realities are complex, and involve historic relations, government policies, changing conditions, and social—economic challenges. This paper will attempt to outline some of these issues and how they have limited opportunity for Aboriginal people, and will address some measures that are being taken to overcome existing inequities in opportunity for Aboriginal people in Canada.
頁次 67-71
關鍵詞 原住民教育 印第安人教育 CSSCI
卷期 6:2
日期 200804
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學