

篇名 大學入學考試對高中教學之影響及其改善途徑研究報告
作者 薛光祖
中文摘要 大學獨立學院職合招生考試自民國四十三年開始,施行迄今已有二十四年歷史。在我國目前的社會價值觀念之下,此項一年一度的大學聯招考試,直接關係著數以萬計青年學子的前途,間接影響高級中學的教育發展,其關係之重大,影響之深遠,實難以估量。由於競爭劇烈,因此聯招會每年的考試方式與試題內容,對於高中學生的學習方法與學習態度,以及對於高級中學的各種教學措施,自然的產生了莫大的影響。尤其是自民國六十二年起,大竹學考試為因應考生人數之增加,並求評分迅速客觀之要求,故採測驗客觀方式命題,並以電子計算機閱卷評分,大學入學考試新方式對於高級中學之實施及學生學習方法,有了怎樣的影響,更為教育界及一般社會人士所重視。
英文摘要 The aims of this study are: 1) to investigate the impacts of current system of the Joint College Entrance Examination on the senior high school education; 2) to analyze the contents and tendencies of the test items of the Entrance Examination for recent three years; and 3) to find their influences on the senior high school education, so as to seek the proper ways to improve the test items and the system of the Entrance Examination. The study found:    (一)Conception:    1. The Joint College Entrance Examination has seriously influenced the senior high school education;    2. Some of the senior high school students and their parents doubt the validity of the Examination;    3. Some of the students have developed improper learning attitude;    4. Some of the parents believe that the more the students pass the entrance Exam, the better those senior high schools are.    (二)Curriculum:    1. Most of the senior high schools neglect the courses which are not required by the Entrance Exam;    2. The curriculum and the teaching hours in senior high school are in lack of flexibility.    (三)Teaching Materials:    1. The teaching materials are selected according to the needs of the Exam, and are focused on the parts which are possibly involved in the exam;    2. The adoption of the supplementary materials is based on the contents of the Exam.    3. The quantity of some courses materials still doesn’t match with teaching hours.    (四)Teaching:    1. The importance of each subject in senior high school is influenced by whether it is required by the Entrance Exam;    2. Techer’s teaching attitude is influenced seriously by the students.    (五)Evaluation on School Achievement:    1. Most of the exams in senior high schools are in the form of multiple choices which emphasizes memorization and comprehension only.    2. Most of the students study only what teachers taught,and what may be given in the Exam;    3. In order to pass the various exams held by the school, most students adopt the references from which most of the test items come.    Based on above findings, some suggestions for the improvement of the Entrance Examination were recommended.
頁次 185-211
卷期 1
日期 197904
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系