

篇名 個人特質與實驗處理的交互作用--簡介教育心理學的ATI(TTI)研究
作者 張酒雄
中文摘要 西元一九五七年柯朗巴克(Lee J. Cronbach)就任第六十五屆美國心理學會會長,在就職典禮上發表「科學心理學」的二大學科(The Two Displines of Scientific Psychology)(Cronbach, 1957)在這篇論文中,他呼籲:結合實驗心理學(Experi8mental Psychology)和相關心理學(Correlational Psychology)的研究旨趣和研究方法,來研究具有不同特質的受試者的實驗效果,以便發現個人特質(Aptitudes)和實驗處理(Treatment)之間的交互作用(Interaction)情形。自從這篇論文發表以後,有關這方面的研究已累積了不少的資料。本文分成:一、教育心理學上的難題,二、個人特質,實驗處理,交互作用的定義,三、ATI的目的,四、ATI的基本假設,五、ATI在教育決策上的應用,六、ATI的實驗變項,七、ATI的實驗設計,八、ATI的模式及九、結論等九部份,加以簡單介紹,以使讀者對最近二十多年來在教育心理學上這一新興的研究趨勢有所了解。
英文摘要 This study was to briefly introduce and review some articles on aptitude-treatment interaction (ATI)/trait-treatment interaction (TTI), a new approach to Educational Psychology.    The hardening of the two traditional approaches to Psychology, the experimental and the correlational, made neither experimental psychology nor correlational one possible to serve as a linking science between educational theories and classroom practice, which resulted in the rise of the ATI RESEARCH. The definitions of ATI varied from researcher to researcher, but the goals of the ATI research were mainly to better understand and explain the nature of learning process, and, ultimately, to develop a theory of instruction.    Learning outcomes depend on the interaction of the learner’s aptitudes and the instructional methods to which he is exposed. Therefore, decision making in education was inevitably to be based on the outcomes of the ATI research, rather than on those of the traditional experimental approaches or the correlational ones:    The two major factors in the occurrence of ATI were the nature of the althernative treatments and the selection of personological variables, and the 2 by 2 factorial design was most frequently applied in ATI experiments. Five models proposed, to date, were discussed in detail. In conclusion, the ATI research is a new approach to improving the defects in traditional grouping in education.    It may pave the way for a new educational system.
頁次 358-372
卷期 2
日期 198009
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系