

篇名 教學工學在常態編班教學的運用
作者 尚永格
中文摘要 國中編班,一直都是個不易解決的問題,雖然每個學校都有自己的辦法,但學生因編班而對學校產生不滿,甚至產生破壞公物的行為,也是時有所聞。為了改進國中教育,確實實施常態編班教學,須對常態編班的教學問題,作一探討,並依教學工學觀點提出對應建議:    1.各級教育行政人員,請支援協助教師教學。    2.培植教學媒體製作人才,提供教師多樣式的教學媒體。    3.加強人文、社會學科課教學媒體的製作。    4.加強辦理教師在職進修,充實現代化教學專業知能。    5.降低班級人數,減輕教師工作負荷。    6.教學評量多元化,各科教學同等重視。各類人才同樣培植。
英文摘要 Employing Instructional Technology in Teaching Normal Class Problems in teaching normal class and how to solve the problems are discussed. The problems and the value of teaching normal class are mentioned too, There are five types of instructional problems: direction, evaluation, content and sequence, method, and constraint However, explicit obiective, interactive of instruction, and validation are the aspects of instructional technology. As a metter of fact, instructional media contain the fixative, manipulative, and distributive properties. The instructional design is set up by two models, Dr. Kenp’s instructional design model and ASSURE model. In order to solve the problems, it is useful to employ the Instructional technology in teaching nurmal class.
頁次 212-220
卷期 9
日期 199012
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系