

篇名 以學校中心管理推動學校教育革新
並列篇名 Enhancing School Improvement Through School-Based Management
作者 張德銳(Chang, Derray)
中文摘要 本文先診斷我國中小學學校行政問題,其次針對問題提出「學校中心管理」的教改策略,最後論述如何再以學校中心管理的結構與職權下,推動學校教育革新的一系列歷程,而這些歷程計有:改變領導與作決定方式、進行計劃性組織變革?塑造優良學校組織文化、改進學校成員個人行為表現、提昇學校辦學品質、落實學校績效責任、以及推動學校選擇權政策。
英文摘要 In this paper, the problems of school administration in Taiwanese elementary and secondary schools are diagnosed first, and then school-based management is proposed as a school reform strategy. In order to ensure the success of the school reform, several reform procedures should be adopted. These procedures are:(1)changing leadership and decision-making styles, (2)conducting the planned organizational change, (3)creating a strong school culture, (4)improving the individual behaviors of school members, (5)promoting school qualities, (6)fulfilling school accountability, and (7)implementing school choice policy.
頁次 133-154
關鍵詞 學校中心管理 教育改革 School-based management Educational reform TSSCI
卷期 1:2
日期 199808
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所