

篇名 論教育基本權的內涵與功能
並列篇名 A Critique on the Implication and Function of the Basic Rights of Education
作者 曾大千(Tseng, Dah-chian)
中文摘要 在社會逐漸民主開放之際,「教育權」早已成為教育改革浪潮中耳熟能詳的口號;然慣用之餘,卻相對忽視其基本意涵與法益功能。這不但容易造成概念混淆與學術溝通的隔閡,對於教育實務工作者而言,也難以妥適轉化並落實相關教改精神。
英文摘要 As we enjoy a more open and democratic society, the Rights of Education has already been a familiar slogan during the waves of educational reform. However, in most of the time, we still neglect the basic implication and the function of the law and the benefit, that will not only arouse a confusing concept, create an academic communication gap, but also make the practitioner difficult to covert concept into practice.
In order to clarify and describe the implication and function of the rights of education clearly, researchers use the viewpoints if W. N Hohfeld, who has a deep analysis on the implication of rights to explore the relationship between the rights of education and the power of education. Substantially, A nation(including all the educational administration institutes, schools, and its educational administrators)only processes the power of education, since the core of people’ s rights of education is the rights of being educated, and the rights of being educated is derived from the essence of the rights of learning. Therefore, we can replace the meaning of the rights of being educated or educational rights by the rights of learning. Moreover, since the existence of the rights of learning is to promote the self-actualization of human beings, and the core essence of the basic rights that is mentioned in the Constitution has its own function.
Rights of education could approximately be divided into two parts: subjective function of rights and objective function of rights. The former emphasizes on defensive rights, beneficial rights, and the latter stresses on protecting obligation, organization, and procedure. Apart from protecting the rights of learner, parents and teacher who play important roles in education also possess the relative rights to ensure people’ s self-actualization.
Besides, since schools are convergence area of people’ s rights of education and of the nation’ power of education, schools should build up the administration unit of autonomy with law, design a system to create opportunity for the right holders to join the autonomic activities to spread the basic value of the rights of education.
頁次 63-92
關鍵詞 教育權 學習權 基本權功能 Educational rights Learning rights Function of the basic rights TSSCI
卷期 6:1
日期 200302
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所