

篇名 《國際經濟法》課程的遠程開放教學模式探討
並列篇名 The Exploration into Distance and Open Teaching Model of International Economic Law Course
作者 王衍祥
中文摘要 《国际经济法》课程在法学专业中具有知识面广、信息量大、实践性强、与国际形势密切相关的特点。因此,如何教好、如何学好这一门专业课程,是广大法学教师和学员共同关心的课题。本文试图在众多学者、专家对本课程提出的教学改革观点基础上,特别是根据现代远程教育试点院校以来笔者自身的教学实践经验,提出本课程远程开放教学的改革思路,以求达到拋砖引玉之功效。
英文摘要 The course International Economic Law covers much knowledge and information and it is closely related to international situations. Therefore, how to teach it well and learn it well is often discussed by a lot of teachers and students. Based on the reforms in teaching method proposed by many lawyers and specialists, especially those since 1999 when China Central Radio and TV University was approved as a modern distance and open teaching Pilot Institution by the Education Ministry, the author put forwards his own teaching model of International Economic Law according to his teaching experience, hoping it might be helpful to law teaching.
頁次 103-107
關鍵詞 distance education structure of teaching International Economic Law 遠程教育 教學結構 國際經濟法 CSSCI
卷期 13:5
日期 200710
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學