

篇名 以學者為中心:遠程開放教育之實踐──上海電視大學的經驗與探索
並列篇名 Learner-centered Concept: The Practice of Open and Distance Education in SHTVU
作者 張康庭
中文摘要 以学习者为中心的理念蕴含了丰富的人性化和个性化内涵,触及了远程开放教育的深层理念,这一理念的渗透将积极引导远程开放教育实践健康持续地发展。上海电视大学在积极参与”中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目的过程中,立足区域社会经济发展,努力实现办学思想的转变,提炼出”两个一切”的办学宗旨,并以此为指导,积极提升学校核心竞争力。本文对”两个一切”的产生、内涵、试点项目实践的推进及总结性评估后的整改实践与思考进行了阐述。
英文摘要 “Learner-centered” concept contains a wealth of humanity, personalized content, including the underlying concepts of open and distance education, and will actively guide the healthy development of open and distance education, and will actively guide the healthy development of open and distance education practice. In participating in “Central RTVU Intelligent Cultivation Model Reform and Open Education Pilot Project”, practicers in Shanghai TV University puts forward the mission of “For all learners, All for learners”, which would guide to enhance core competitiveness of the university. this paper introduces the content of the mission, the practice in the pilot project and the rectification practice after concluding assessment.
頁次 33-36
關鍵詞 practice for all learners pilot projects distance education 實踐 兩個一切 試點項目 遠程開放教育 CSSCI
卷期 13:5
日期 200710
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學